DragonHack 2022

DragonHack 2022

Two weeks ago some of our team members attended the largest student hackathon in Slovenia - DragonHack. Along with having a lot of fun, they have received an award for most complex hack, best code quality and 2nd place among all teams. Divided into two groups, they developed a mobile app that helps blind and visually impaired people navigate through crowded places and a mobile & web app for finding the right place to eat for people with food allergies.

[Most complex hack & 2nd place] Audio Vision helps blind and visually impaired people navigate crowded places. It uses the iPhone's Lidar sensor to detect various obstacles in the user's vicinity. This data is then converted into an easily recognizable spatial sound and played to the user through headphones to ensure he can navigate the world safely.


[Best code quality award] Allergone helps people with food allergies find places to eat. Using natural language processing, Allergone extracts allergen information from restaurants' menus. People with allergies can finally find places to eat using a mobile or web app.


Thank you Dragonhack for another fantastic event! And thank you, judges, partners, and all attending companies.